Physical Address
304 North Cardinal St.
Dorchester Center, MA 02124
Physical Address
304 North Cardinal St.
Dorchester Center, MA 02124
Helloooooo dearest patrons of the internet
I am finally here to YAP on my WEBSITE !!!!
It’s so cool being able to say that hehehehe……
So today wasn’t very eventful but it went well!
I actually woke up at 4 am like I wanted buttttt I did lay back down at 5:30 for quite a while …….
I actually had been waking up at 4 for the past few days without going back to sleep but it’s hard on the weekends ;-;
Without work to get my ass in gear and out the door i flounder, at least in the wintertime because of my seasonal depression
Which mainly just manifests itself in extreme exhaustion which is a major drag
So it’s not like I’m overly sad but then being tired all the time does make me depressed LOL
But yeah today was chill, I went live on Twitch at like 9:30 this morning and made some coffee and got to workin !!!
I do feel a little meh about the work I got done this weekend.
I was SUPPOSED to really be working on my book notes for the book The 12 Week Year because I plan to do a video on it that I want posted to the public on 1/25.
So it really isn’t good that I didn’t focus on that more than I did.
But I just could NOT lock in no matter how hard I tried yesterday and I was not feeling it today……
So instead I hyperfocused on building a website heheh..
It paid off though! Cause now I have this little space to call my own which is so so so cool
I’m really so happy about it.
And I wanna add more stuff to it!
Might have to end up waiting till i can pay for certain things but I wanna do stuff like have a lil image gallery and a space for little blurbs for my thoughts so I can just post here instead of on my socials.
I really think it’ll be so cool and beneficial to have this little space.
Oh! Should I share my daily tarot pulls w y’all??
I think that could be a cute thing to do, cause I pull one tarot card and all my oracles every day now
I’ve got the tarot bug again! I’m always wanting to pull cards!
Soooooo without further ado, my daily pulls!
ngl this one doesn’t resonate at ALL and it didn’t resonate for my friend who got it the other day as well. Loud ass card for no reason lmao. like i dont have any friends to beef with !!! the very last sentence I liked bc I’ve been getting a lot of messaging about honing my intuition, so I’m taking that and leaving the rest lol
and those are the pulls everybody !!!!!!!!!!
I think it’d be cute to document my pulls here in addition to my capacities
I love capacities btw !!!! It’s a personal knowledge management system that to me feels like a crossroads between notion and obsidian if you’re familiar with either of those.
I just really like it most for its tagging feature, i tag the SHIT out of my daily journal entries bc i wanna see trends in my emotions and productivity levels and all that jazz
neat little tool worth checking out imo!!!
but there aren’t enough girlypops using capacities is my issue, so there’s no aesthetic capacities content like there is notion content
notion is my first love I’ve been using it consistently since like 2021, but I have transferred most things over to capacities! O:
It feels like betraying a lover lmao
But I do still have my daily habit tracker on there that I fill out so I do still use notion every day
speaking of tarot, here’s my desk setup atm
I love it !!! We got my lil death station over there, bc I always keep the Persephone death card up to try and harness that energy and I also recently pulled the ethereal visions Death card as well. Then there’s the butterfly oracle card that I kept up because I am just really resonating with butterfly imagery lately. The whole transformation that they go through feels like what is happening to me as well.
I actually pick a word of the year every year and this year’s is rebirth!
I just keep getting signs with butterflies and other things, so everything has been feeling very aligned lately.
And lastly The Sun and The Star!
I pulled these in my monthly spread for January.
The Sun was myself currently
and The Star was my personal theme for the month
I really feel like The Star is pretty accurate for my situation and getting The Sun was just a major mood booster so I decided to keep those cards up until I pull for next month’s reading.
And do NOT look at my empty stream deck. It’s so pathetic lmfao
I use to have so many things on there!
Then idk what happened and now nothing is on there save for the timers I use on coworking streams because I can’t hear the bell that goes off with super sweet bot lol.
Sooo yeah that needs worked on lmao
Maybe I can get to it tomorrow or maybe not.
Which remindssss meeee I’m off work tomorrow !!!!
I’m so happy to be having a 3 day weekend it’s unreal
I’m gonna do ALL THE THINGS tomorrow
And by all the things it likely means just working on this website lmfao
Though I have been neglecting physical tasks in favor of digital ones so I was hoping to use Monday to catch up but now I’m really hyperfixated on making this site better
Ah well such is life
I wanna get a good balance with YouTube and chores and everything else and I just haven’t found it yet
It’s something that really needs figured out tbh
But yeah so hopefully tomorrow I can show some self restraint and stay off of my computer for a little while but I make no promises to myself lol
I have been good about like staying off devices lately and being productive but that’s because I’ve been working on YouTube lol
Which is a net positive don’t get me wrong! But now I need to lock in on physical chores as well so I can chip away at my house
If u weren’t aware, I have inherited a bit of a Hoarder House from my late mother.
I was also lucky enough to develop her Hoarding Tendencies as well lmao.
So yeah decluttering is a bit of a nightmare for me and I hate doing it.
It is a necessary evil that I need to learn to love so I’ve been working on trying to reframe my mindset around it
But it is really hard. There’s so much shame and guilt programmed in me around cleaning because of circumstances growing up so now I’m trying to work to undo it in therapy because getting my house in order is a huge priority of mine because it’s the 3rd biggest stressor in my life after general money issues and then my job.
Speaking of tho, I have an appointment tomorrow !!! yippee !!!!
I really look forward to seeing my therapist and my psychiatrist
I’ve really lucked out with getting amazing women who work very hard to try and help me get better
I know that is not the case for everyone so I am well aware of how lucky I am to be in this position
So yeah, we’ll see how Tomorrow Bunnie handles the day.
I really should be wrapping up to go to sleep because it’s 10:11 pm !!!!!
I usually got to bed at 9 to get up at 4 oopsie
Let’s hope it doesn’t alter my wake up time too badly >_<
Alrighty well that’s all for now then !!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Love you dearly random patrons of the internet
Never forget that you were meant to be here. The world is not the same without you. Take care of yourself!