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304 North Cardinal St.
Dorchester Center, MA 02124

A chill day so far

Hellooooo !!!!

I haven’t been up to too much today

Got up late since i was up till almost 1 am working on the website and then parsing through my photos to find stuff to post to the art museum….

So I didn’t get up till 9:00 a.m. on the dot

Very far after 4 am but I was so eeeeeepy

It’s okay ya can’t win em all

I did take a shower though! It was much needed, I was feeling like a lumpy sack of potatoes and now I feel human again

and I brushed my teefies but now my gums hurt D: I def brushed too hard today woops

I tuned into Panthera’s coworking stream today and did my daily taroooot and a few other tasks !!

So here are my daily pulls !!!!

first we got the page of swords AGAIN !!! right after yesterday !!!!

now this one doesn’t resonate AGAIN… I’ve noticed that the believe in your own magic oracle and the cozy witch tarot deck will give me messaging about conflict sometimes that don’t resonate, mostly bc I’m so isolated I don’t really have anyone to beef w lol, but maybe it’s more about internal conflicts? I do need to work on being more nice to myself lmao

and then the raven again right after yesterday !!!!

and lastly the whaaaale *starts making whale noises* I like that it says to do regular self care to bring that energy back into balance the day I just did some self care !!! I do def need to make it more regular than I do though, I wanna start doing my skincare regularly but im so bad w the habit cri cri cri…..

And that is the end of all my pulls !!!!!!!

I’m gonna make some lunch now !!!!

Guess what I’m making…..

Wow did you say ramen????? How did you know!?!?!?!??!!?

It’s so yummy,,,, I bought it to eat at work but I keep eating it this weekend bc I love it sm lmao.

What’s your go to ramen flavor?? Mine is beef for sure.

I just made coffee too !!!! This is after I ate lmao I’m not that crazy 2 be having coffee n ramen 2gether

I needed a lil afternoon coffee as a lil treat to soothe me

Well I’m certainly in ADHD Waiting Mode for my therapy appointment

so I will update this after I have my appointment and let you know how it goes !!!!

okay UPDATE she is not in the office today !!!!

I’m so saaad !!!!

I was really looking forward to it because I haven’t seen her in a minute so that’s really sad.

I’m egg sauce ted today but I can’t nap now bc it’s 5 pm

I gotta make dindin……

For the past…… many months I have been eating eggies and cheese for dinner w buttered toast

and now I eat it for breakfast too for the past couple months LOL

Autism swag !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

You can pry it from my cold dead neurodivergent hands

But yeah so I’ll be making that in a minute

I cannot express to you how eepy i am………..

I’m being so strong and so brave for staying awake right now you have no idea

dont judge the amount of cheese i got to the bottom of the bag LOLLLLL

and again, autism swag, i like the cheese better before it melts rather than after so that’s why it looks so ridiculous lol

I used to let it melt but then the texture started freaking me out……..

oooo you know what i love to drink w this…..

this shit is so good !!!!!!!!!! It’s like 74 cents and worth every penny (all 74 of them)

This is how I stopped drinking pop forever ago too

Today has been a BIT of a nothing sandwich I will be honest

But that’s okay, I just wish I could’ve gotten more things done

There’s still time, it’s only 5:45 p.m., but I’m not sure what else I’m going to get done today

I might try and work on those book notes I need to do for my youtube video

I don’t know why I’ve been feeling so much resistance against this video idea

This happened exactly a year ago too when I was supposed to make a video on this book lmao

Is it not meant to be??? Am I just procrastinating???? We shall see

It’s either working on that or working on a different script or working on website stuff

Cause time is officially ticking on my next video being due by Sunday, so I gotta figure something out if I’m not going with the book idea.

Well I’ll see ya some time soon !!!!!

Either I’ll update this again tonight or I will leave you for the day and come back tomorrow.

Who knows !!!! Keeping you on your toes !!!!!!!!!

See ya everyone <3

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