Physical Address
304 North Cardinal St.
Dorchester Center, MA 02124
Physical Address
304 North Cardinal St.
Dorchester Center, MA 02124
coming to you on a sunday evening 🙂 (while doing a coworking stream on twitch!)
i’ve had a pretty good weekend so far!
Yesterday I relaxed and played Infinity Nikki, it was nice!
SO I talked about how badly I wanted the beautiful new purification fit in the game right??
Well I got a GIFT so I was able to get some crystals for the banner !!!!
I’m HYPE at this point and ready to go, all 180 crystals in hand
I’m so excited, ready to easily procure all the pieces in the outfit and claim it as my own.
I was short 20 crystals!
There were 10 pieces to the outfit when I recalled it having 9, so I actually needed 200 crystals to guarantee the outfit!!!!!
I was so sad because I couldn’t afford to get more crystals and grinding for 20 crystals would take some time!
And I have never in my life gone above pity and gotten multiple 5 star pieces in one 10 pull.
I’ve seen it happen for others, but I’ve never been so lucky!
I’m crossing my fingers hoping to just have one lucky pull where I get at least two pieces in one roll, securing me the outfit for good.
And so I pull….
And I pull….
10 pull after 10 pull, only hitting pity…….
Things are looking GRIM.
I’ve gotten enough to evolve the 4 star outfit at this point and still don’t have all the pieces for the 5 star
and then, before I knew it, I was on my last 10 pull.
with only 10 crystals left, I knew I’d be getting one 5 star item from this pull but was PRAYING to all the gods for the last two items.
This was it for me.
So I’m going through all the items I’ve pulled, and I got the shoes! Success, almost.
I still need one more piece: the tights.
So I’m clicking through all of the same old pieces that you pull through the banner that I’ve already gotten.
And then….
Wouldn’t you know it…….
With the power of the Universe on my side……
I was ecstatic! Over the moon! So joyous!
This means that I was able to secure the outfit without needing 20 more crystals to hit the next pity.
It was meant to be!
I was so so so so so happy. The outfit was mine!
And since I got it in exactly 180 pulls, that was just enough to get the extra material and secure the first evolution of the outfit!
In all of it’s purple glory, the beautiful evolution! In my own hands!
I was simply too happy to even articulate.
And you know I had to take pictures to celebrate!
Since I pulled enough times I also got this wonderful photo prop: a snow globe just like a wind up doll would be in, going along with the outfit.
It is my favorite photo accessory so far !!!! I love it!!!!
So here is my grand reveal photoshoot for you all to see and enjoy!
It’s seriously made my life getting this outfit.
And it has an incredible ability as well!
It’s not just a different outfit for the normal purification ability, But instead you’re on this little circular stage and cast music notes that make all evil creatures or animals near you go to sleep, and then you can attack the evil creatures !!!!
So you can put things near you to sleep, that’s so cool!!!! I can see it being super handy for me with my terrible aim and panic during battles lmao.
It doesn’t affect legendary creatures but I can see it being super handy for the horses since they’re so skittish, if you’re able to get close enough to them to put them to sleep that is, I haven’t tested it. And either way, how cute would it be just to send the little town floofs to sleep just because, hehehe.
So that was my EPIC TALE of the harrowing journey to get the perfect outfit. I hope you all were on the edge of your seats with anticipation.
And in more mundane news, I did some planning yesterday as well!
I filled out the front pages you get for every month and I wanted to share them with you all cause I think they’re good answers!
So yeah, I think these are all really important reminders for me in life right now and they may help you as well!
I mentioned in the excited about section that I’m making a chromakopia beanie. I’m very hype about this!
So I wanted to make something crochet inspired by chromakopia cause that album is still my life at the moment.
I ended up drawing inspiration from the colors and the design of the logo and made up my mind!
I decided to make a split color beanie with horns, imitating the horn on the logo and the colors!
But when I decided this I was super sad because I don’t own that shade of green, just a light ashy green and a deep forest green.
I had never even seen that green sold at the store, so I almost wasn’t even going to look for it.
But while there for something else I made my way to the yarn aisle and laid my eyes upon the perfect green!
It looks a little lighter and bluer than it really is, it’s honestly a great match for the color!!!!
So shoutout to the store brand yarn for having my back lmao.
I’m also making it have that fake ribbing effect by doing half double crochets in the back loop. Which is nonsense if you don’t crochet.
So that is something I worked on yesterday as well during my coworking stream.
I’m so excited for it to be done! I’m doing the method where you just crochet a rectangle and then join it all together so i can do the split color effect down the middle.
I didn’t want the color change to be in rows or anything, I specifically wanted the half and half look.
I almost decided on making a cat ear beanie before I came up with this because I was thinking the cat ears would be similar to the horns, but then was like fuck it lemme just make actual horns lmao.
They learned how to make dubai chocolate and they offered to bring me some ;-;
This picture was after I already cut two rows off of it lmao that shit is so YUMMY !!!!!!!!!!!
I loved it !!!!!!! I also just feel loved having received it !!!! I love friendship !!!!!!
So that was my weekend in a nutshell!
I moved my Sunday streams to the evening because my new plan is to clean during the day and have time to relax after that so it made sense to move my stream so I could have downtime after cleaning as opposed to streaming for 3-4 hours, then cleaning, then not having much time to relax after that.
I did NOT get to clean as much today as I wanted to.
First off it was the time change so we lost an hour last night.
And I did not want to wake up when I was supposed to so I woke up at like 9.
And then I was still MEGA EEPY because this goshdarn seasonal depression so I laid on the couch with my cat for like 2 hours until 11:30 lol.
So then I cleaned for a few hours after that, but nothing crazy.
I do have floor space now that I didn’t have before so that’s huge!
It’s much easier to walk in my living room now lol.
I also made a general guideline to try and follow during the days of the week.
I wanted each day to have a sort of theme so I could work on that topic that day, and another thing another day.
So Monday is reading and self care
Tuesday is learning Korean
Wednesday is crochet and sewing (i wanna start learning to sew soon)
Thursday is content planning (idk if I need a whole day for this it might just be a free day lol)
Friday is streaming
Saturday is streaming, gaming, and relationships (wanna be intentional about replying to dms and stuff and this is also the day i hang out w my fren :3)
Sunday is cleaning, streaming, and rest !!!!
Idk if this will even work for me so I’m just gonna try it this week and see if I actually follow through or if it’s something that my brain doesn’t wanna stick to.
I am a lil tired of myself not following through with things so I HOPE this is just enough structure and just enough flexibility for it to appease the goblins in my brain that prevent me from getting anything meaningful done ever.
I just want to do more than sit there and watch other people’s content all night. It’s a terrible habit of mine so while I love youtube and all it has to offer it is definitely something I use as a replacement for more important things in my life.
And if I can manage to start getting up earlier I can use that time guilt free for youtube as my mornings are solely for whatever I wanna do before work to get me ready to face the day.
So I will still be able to consume content, just hopefully on a much smaller scale.
I just know I have a terrible track record of planning a lot and doing very little, so I hope I can stick to this.
It’s hard because I’m still very much in the throes of seasonal depression so it’s hard to expect anything out of myself to be honest.
But I’m going to try and do this regardless because I feel like it’ll really benefit me and my routine.
Wish me luck!
I just have to believe that I can do it and that I am someone who puts their hobbies before mindless consumption.
We need to take back our lives from social media !!!! We are so interesting and complex and we deserve to have rich lives the reflect our inner worlds, not this dull dreary addiction to our phones that is keeping us so stagnant.
So hopefully I can become a much more interesting person by indulging in the hobbies and activities I’ve always wanted to do.
Oooooh I might change Thursdays to be content planning and coding.
I forgot that i really wanna get back into that to hopefully build my own site from scratch someday.
That’s a lot of things to juggle though so we’ll see!
I just have so many hobbies I wanna partake in lol.
I think that’s good though! I’d rather that than have no passions or interests in anything. I can’t handle people like that. I couldn’t handle being like that.
It makes me so sad when I see people who say they have no dreams or are just floating by in life, it’s part of the reason I made my video on being delusional and dreaming big.
I want people to want something!!! I want them to feel!!!!
I think everyone should dream big and go after goals or hobbies or interests that excite them.
Well on that note I will stop rambling and leave you for now.
It’s been a blast speaking with you once again!
Thank you for listening, love ya much!